Preise 2025

Le Domaine de l'Epinette ist vom 23 Mai bis 07. September 2025 geöffnet.

(Öffnung des Wasserbereichs ab 23. Mai )


Stellplätze DRAUSSEN

Preis pro Nacht: Paket für 2 Personen mit Strom, 1 Auto 

  • Vom 6. Juli bis 24. August: mindestens 7 Nächte. Außerhalb dieser Termine mindestens 2 Nächte
  • Die Stellplätze haben gemäß den neuen Standards von 2011 eine Mindestfläche von 80 m2.
  • Der Stellplatz steht Ihnen am im Reservierungsvertrag vorgesehenen Anreisetag von 14:00 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr zur Verfügung, bis zum im selben Vertrag vorgesehenen Abreisetag um 12:00 Uhr.
  • Maximal 6 Personen inklusive Babys auf einem Stellplatz.


Vom 6. Juli bis 1. September: mindestens 7 Nächte, Anreise am Samstag, Sonntag oder Mittwoch, Abreise am Samstag, Sonntag oder Mittwoch, je nach Mietdauer. Außerhalb dieses Zeitraums: mindestens 2 Nächte.

Die Vermietung ist am im Mietvertrag vorgesehenen Anreisetag von 16:00 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr bis zum im Mietvertrag vorgesehenen Abreisetag bis 10:00 Uhr möglich (Schlüsselübergabe an der Rezeption).


Vermietungen und Standorte werden nach dem Zufallsprinzip vergeben. Die Auswahl einer Stellplatznummer ist nur bei der Buchung möglich, vorbehaltlich unserer Verfügbarkeit und gegen einen Aufpreis von 30 €. Bei der Ankunft sind keine besonderen Wünsche, Änderungen oder Änderungen möglich.



Ab dem Tag Ihrer Ankunft ist eine Kaution zu hinterlegen, um die Einrichtung im Falle einer Beschädigung des Campingplatzes zu decken.

Zahlungsmittel der Anzahlung:

Kreditkarte (Betrag wird nicht von Ihrem Konto abgebucht),

Diese Anzahlung wird von uns nach Ihrer Abreise storniert und vernichtet. Bei Beschädigung oder Verschmutzung der Unterkunft kann ein teilweiser oder vollständiger Abzug vorgenommen werden.

  • 200 € für alle Vermietungen (Cottage, Mobilheim, Hütte, Tithome, Carrelet und Chalet),
  • 150€ für Stellplätze mit privaten Toiletten,
  • 100 € für die Stellplätze „Comfort Plus“ und „Comfort Premium“.


Diverse Aufpreise

  • Kurtaxe: 0,65 € / Person und Tag, ab 18 Jahren
  • Besucher: 3,00 €
  • Zusätzliches Fahrzeug: 2,50 €
  • Tier (nur Hund oder Katze):
    • 5€ Miete
    • 4 € im Stellplatz
    • begrenzt auf 1 Tier pro Stellplatz und Miete. Hunde müssen geimpft, tätowiert oder gechipt sein und an der Leine geführt werden.
    • Hunde der 1. und 2. Kategorie sind nicht zugelassen.
  • Wäscherei (Münzen an der Rezeption erhältlich).
    • Waschmaschine: 5 €
    • Wäschetrockner: 4 €
    • Wäschekorb: 0,50 €

Verleih :

  • Bettwäsche und Handtücher
    • Doppelbett-Set : 15 € (1 Paar Laken für ein Doppelbett, 2 Kissenbezüge).
    • Einzelbett-Set : 15 € (1 Paar Laken für ein Einzelbett, 1 Kissenbezug).
    • Handtücher : 8 €/Person (1 großes und 1 kleines Handtuch).
      • Bettwäsche und Handtücher können bei der Buchung oder jederzeit (bis eine Woche vor Anreise) angefragt werden.
      • Auf Wunsch Wechsel der Bettwäsche oder Handtücher zum gleichen Preis.
  • Option Haushaltspaketkann bei der Buchung oder jederzeit (bis zum Tag vor Anreise) angefragt werden.
  1. Cottages, Mobilheime, Cabane und Carrelet: 85 €
  2. Premium Comfort Cottage, Family XL, Family Premium und Chalet: 105 €
  3. Private Sanitäranlagen & Tithome: 50 €
    • Bei Abholung vor Ort wird ein Zuschlag von 10 € erhoben, bei Abholung 48 Stunden vor Abflug 20 €.
    • Hinweis: Dieser Service befreit Sie nicht davon, die Unterkunft in einem Mindestsauberkeitszustand zu verlassen (es werden keine Lebensmittelabfälle, Mülltonnen oder Produkte toleriert).
  • Reiserücktrittsversicherung: 4 % des Aufenthaltspreises (ausgenommen Optionen), zahlbar zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung : CGA


Durée du Forfait

1 Appareil / 1 Device

4 Appareils / 4 Devices

1 jour / 1 day

5 €


3 jours / 3 days



7 jours / 7 days

15 €

40 €

10 jours / 10 days

18 €

47 €

14 jours / 14 days

20 €

54 €

21 jours / 21 days

30 €

62 €

1 Verbindung = 1 Gerät – (sobald Sie angemeldet sind, können Sie das Gerät nicht wechseln).

WLAN auf dem gesamten Campingplatz verfügbar, Bezahlung der Rezeption.

Kind mit Hund Blick auf Wald Jura

Inside Rules

1-ACCESS TO THE CAMPSITE : you will need to register the license plate number of your vehicle upon arrival.

2-RENTAL : Each rental and what it contains has been checked before arrival. Any dissatisfaction regarding the state of cleanliness, or the general condition of the rental must be notified no later than 24 hours after arrival, in order to allow it to be remedied. No complaints will be admissible more than 24 hours after the day of arrival. No installation (tent), vehicle or additional person is accepted on the rental site. For security and insurance reasons, the number of occupants cannot exceed the capacity provided for by type of accommodation (including newborns). Otherwise upon arrival, the campsite reserves the right to refuse access to the accommodation.

3-CONDUCT, CLEANLINESS AND RESPECT FOR FACILITIES : Customers are required to refrain from any act or action which may harm the cleanliness, hygiene, appearance of the campsite, its equipment and installations, the sanitary facilities. notably. Wastewater must be emptied into the facilities provided for this purpose. It is forbidden to dump them at the foot of trees. Household waste, waste of all kinds, must be deposited, packaged in garbage bags, in the garbage containers provided for this purpose. Deposits at the foot of the small trash cans along the paths are not accepted. Washing linen is strictly prohibited outside the bins provided for this purpose. A laundromat with washing machine and dryer is available behind reception (tokens and laundry detergent on sale at reception). The pitch used during the stay must be maintained in the condition in which the client found it upon arrival. It is prohibited to: Drive nails into trees, cut branches, plant crops. Plantings, floral decorations and landscaped areas must be respected. Demarcate the location of an installation by personal means. Dig the ground. Any damage, any act of vandalism committed to the detriment of vegetation, fences, land or installations and equipment, will be the responsibility of its author or of the client civilly responsible for the author of the acts.

4-THEFT, LOSSES and DAMAGE : of whatever nature, during or following the stay, the campsite is not liable.

5-ANIMALS : Only dogs and cats are accepted within the campsite (on presentation of the vaccination record (decree of 01/22/85)), they must be tattooed or microchipped (decree of 06/30/92). Only one animal can be admitted per pitch or rental (not accepted in rentals: Cottage Confort Premium and Family Premium). They must never be left free and unsupervised, even locked up in the absence of their masters. They are civilly responsible. They must always be kept on a leash. They are prohibited around swimming pools, in food stores and in buildings. They must not harm the peace and safety of residents and respect basic hygiene rules; dog bags are available in front of the garbage room. No exotic animals, no rodents, no reptiles and/or other atypical animals and/or “critters” are accepted. Each customer with an animal will have to pay the prescribed fee. The price is €4 per day in Pitch and €5 per day in Rentals. Dogs likely to be dangerous (category 1 and 2 - decree of 04/27/99) are refused.

6-VISITORS : If you receive external visitors, this is possible subject to acceptance by management. They must park in the outdoor car park and register at reception and pay €3 per person. For visitors, access to the aquatic area is not authorized.

7-PARKING : Vehicles must be parked in the plot or parking lot allocated upon your arrival. Never park your vehicle in the neighboring space even if it appears unoccupied. Campers may arrive at any time, parking is prohibited on roads and access roads.

8-VEHICLES : Only one vehicle per pitch is authorized to enter the campsite and park on the reserved pitch or nearby. This vehicle is the one whose registration number was recorded by the reception office. All other vehicles must park in our outdoor parking lot. Traffic in the campsite is limited to 10 km/h. The barriers are closed between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., all traffic is prohibited during this period. Electric vehicle : It is strictly forbidden to recharge your electric vehicle with a socket in the accommodation or on a campsite. The power is not planned and would create a risk of overvoltage. Anyone who is caught recharging their vehicle within the campsite will have to pay a lump sum of €50. A paid charging station is available in the car park at the entrance to the campsite.

9-SOUND NUISANCE : Campsite guests are urged to avoid all noise and discussions that could disturb their neighbors or everyone's peace and quiet. Sound devices should be adjusted accordingly. Car door and trunk closures should be as discreet as possible.

10-BEHAVIOR : Any malicious, insulting, aggressive behavior, as well as any act of discrimination, blackmail or harassment, towards other customers or campsite employees is strictly prohibited.

11-AQUATIC AREA : STRICTLY RESERVED FOR CAMPERS. Open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day. Full regulations are displayed at the entrance to the swimming pool. Swim briefs or boxers in synthetic/stretch material required. Wearing boxer shorts, t-shirts, overalls of any kind is prohibited for hygiene reasons. Food and drinks prohibited. Young children must wear diapers specially designed for swimming, to comply with hygiene standards. Children who cannot swim must MANDATORY wear armbands. Children must be accompanied by an adult, some slides have specific conditions of use.

The campsite may occasionally have to close a slide or swimming pool in the event of unforeseen technical problems which could result in a lack of safety or hygiene. Access to aquatic areas is strictly prohibited outside opening and closing hours.

12-PLAYGROUND AREAS : Please keep these areas clean, children are under the supervision and responsibility of their parents, spaces open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., animals are not accepted.

13-SANITARY : In a campsite, the management of toilets is one of the delicate points. Customers must leave toilets, showers and sinks in a clean condition. Young children must be accompanied and supervised. The campsite ensures regular maintenance of the sanitary facilities; however, maintaining them in good conditions of hygiene and cleanliness remains everyone's business.

14-BARBECUES : Only gas or charcoal barbecues and planchas (above ground) are accepted. Barbecues and electric planchas are prohibited. Two shared barbecue areas are at your disposal in the campsite.

15-END OF STAY CLEANING : this is not included. Cleaning package option from €50 to €125 depending on the rental category. NB: This service does not exempt you from leaving the accommodation in a minimum state of cleanliness (no food waste, trash cans or products are tolerated).

16- SHEETS and TOWELS: on departure must be placed on the table of the livingroom, if missing or damaged, will be charged

17-DEPARTURE: No departure appointment is planned for inventory: on the day of departure, the pitch with private sanitary facilities or the rental must be vacated and the keys given to reception before 10:00 a.m., otherwise you will be charged for an additional day . The accommodation must be left in perfect clean condition and put back in place. Any broken or damaged item, or restoration of the premises, if this proves necessary, will be the responsibility of the customer. The customer accepts and authorizes the verification of the rental to be carried out after his departure by our housekeeper who will be able to request the debit of a cleaning fee according to the scale in force. Customers wishing to leave before the opening time of the reception office must come there the day before to collect an envelope on which their name and location number will appear. Keys to the mobile home or private toilets must be slipped into this envelope which will then be placed in the mailbox installed at the entrance to the reception office. The deposit will be destroyed by us once the inventory of departure premises has been carried out by the Accommodation service.



Foto Blick auf Schwimmbad, Sonnenschirm, blauen Himmel Jura